
I would just like to start off by thanking Shane so much for everything he has done for us, not just the results but the way he showed genuine concern and was in constant contact to assist us and help us through a very hard time.

About a year ago me and my wife woke up in the middle of the night and were shocked and stunned to see our bedroom was full of spirits. I’d never had any experience like this before and always thought Ii would be scared stiff if I did, but to be honest they weren’t aggressive or angry but we were very freaked out.

We thought we were imagining it at first but knew we weren’t straight away because we could both see the same things. It was a few nights later before we seen them again but over the course of a few months the became a part of our home and we could see them everywhere, all day every day. We got some relatives to come and see if they could see them as well or was it just us but they could see the same as us so we began to seek help and enquired about a number of options and tried a few different things, all to no avail.

Eventually we managed to get the services of a highly respected reiki specialist who does house clearings and gets rid of any bad energy and spirits and puts a protective shield around the house. I won’t go into detail but while she was in our house she told both me and my wife things that she couldn’t possibly have known about relatives that have passed on. We were stunned to hear what she had to tell us and how the spirits started to make themselves comfortable in our house. We were full of hope and did notice a difference straight away but within a few weeks we were back to square one and she wouldn’t reply to any calls or texts and we felt we were in limbo. We had no one to turn to for help and were beginning to think that we would just have to live with the problem, that is until a work colleague of my wife recommended Shane to us.

I was very sceptical about what he does and how he does it from a distance but we had nothing to lose. Well I was shocked to see how quick he was able to do his geopathic clearing and how quick he was able to get great results. We’ve tried everything and this was basically the last hope we had. The changes in our home were almost instant and we all felt like a big weight was lifted off our shoulders. We all felt instantly energized after being exhausted for almost a year and got a few nights great sleep, Shane contacted me every day to make sure everything was ok but a couple of days later I told him we think we noticed one or two spirits but weren’t sure. He gave the house another clearing and we haven’t seen or felt anything since then. That was 6 months ago now and the difference in our home and our general lives is amazing, we can’t thank him enough for the effort and time he put in to help us out,

Shane you’re a hero!!

Thanks again,


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