Introduction to Shamanic Journeying

In this recording of a live workshop, Shane and his dear soul sister, Ciara Young from, share their insights from years of personal and client experiences with shamanic journeying. 

The workshop covers the following topics.

  • How to do a shamanic journey, including setting up sacred space.
  • Benefits of shamanic drumming on the physical body, including the ability to go into deep rest and rejuvenation.
  • The importance of being grounded and present in your body before journeying.
  • How shamanic drumming can take you in to the place of peace and poise, your centre point, your personal connection with source.
  • How shamanic drumming drowns out the noisy mind and how it can benefit those with ADHD or a stressed nervous system.
  • How journeying is the path of direct revelation unique to your own spiritual journey.
  • What are spirit guides and power animals.
  • Introduction to the 3 worlds of the shamanic landscape, what each of them represent, and how to use them to gain clarity in life.
  • How to connect with loved ones who have passed over to the soul world, including a personal example from Shane.
  • Discernment when journeying and what to look out for to ensure a safe and pleasant journey.
  • How to connect to your power animal.
  • Live drumming with Shane as he guides you on a shamanic journey.
  • Different types of shamanic drums and how to take care of them.

If you enjoy this workshop and would like to have a shamanic drumming track to journey with, you can download Shane's shamanic healing sounds album, Shaman's Fire




$24.00 USD

If you would like to have a shamanic drumming track to journey with, you can download Shane's shamanic healing sounds album, Shaman's Fire